Meet the Team

Bobby Esquivel, Expert BMX Rider (Director)

Kristen Joyce (Community Ooutreach Director)

Rick Faeth, Owner and Promoter of Petaluma Speedway

Rick Shepard, Expert BMX Rider

Keith Benson, Petaluma High School Auto Shop

Sean Payne, Livxplore Realty & BMX Enthusiast

Isaiah Chass, Livxplore Realty & BMX Enthusiast

Melissa Abercrombie, Speedway Enthusiast

Matt Sharkey, Speedway Enthusiast

Thank You to Our Fiscal Sponsor

Speedway BMX is a fiscally sponsored project of Healthy Petaluma. For over 75 years, Healthy Petaluma has been fostering equitable access to health and wellness services in Southern Sonoma County. They bring community partners together to take action – whether it be developing policies, providing a new service, or working for changes that will improve the overall health of our community.

Thank you Healthy Petaluma for believing in our vision and helping us get started!

Thank You to Our Partner

Since 1963, racers and families from all over the Bay Area come here to enjoy one of Petaluma’s multigenerational pastimes. The Petaluma Speedway has all of the facilities and expertise in event promotion and management needed to host BMX races.

Thank you Petaluma Speedway for embracing the local BMX community!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • There are no BMX tracks in Sonoma and Marin counties (total population is 740,000). The Petaluma Speedway has car racing 25-30 nights each year, but there are hundreds of days when the track is not used and could be.

    Speedway BMX will be a new activity at the Petaluma Speedway. It will increase public access to the property, make use of the existing facilities (grandstands, registration, admission, concessions, etc.), and not interfere with the Saturday racing schedule.

  • Following the results from the City’s fairgrounds community engagement process - which clearly showed that Petaluma residents want more access to the fairgrounds property - a small group started discussing ways to increase public access to the Petaluma Speedway. A BMX track was quckly identified as a natural fit.

    We formed a Speedway BMX task force and submitted a Letter of Intent for a public-private partnership with USA BMX, the official sanctioning body for BMX racing in North America.

    Partnering with USA BMX provides the following benefits:

    Access to people who have designed, built and managed over 3,000 BMX tracks across the world

    Connections to the best track designers and builders in the nation

    A blanket insurance policy covering the track

    Marketing, operations, and membership management systems and support services

    At least one state, regional, or national race per year

    And so much more!

    After engaging USA BMX, we solicited support from City Council members, Schools Board members, local businesses, and nonprofits.

    Between our community partnerships and support from the city, Speedway BMX has the momentum needed to turn this grassroots idea into a thriving public-private partnership.

  • The BMX track would be open to the public, available for BMX team practices, and to host local races. It would also be available for private parties and camps, as well as larger USA BMX sanctions races.

  • Many residents, nonprofits and businesses are ready to help make this reality. The outpouring of excitement is inspiring! Check out the “Get Involved” page to see who is supporting Speedway BMX.

  • Our goal is to have the track open by the Summer of 2024. Key milestones along the way include:

    December 2023: Finalize Track Design

    January -February 2024: Obtain Permits from the City of Petaluma

    March-April 2024: Build Track

    May 2024: Soft Opening of Track; Announce Summer BMX Camp

    June 2024: Grand Opening & BMX Camp

    This is an ambitious timeline, but with the community’s support and the CIty’s partnership, we know it can be done!

  • Every dollar donated goes directly to the track. Our goal is to raise $200,000 to cover the following expenses:

    Engineering and permitting ($20,000)

    Marketing and promotion ($30,000)

    Starting gate ($20,000)

    Track construction, finishing, and amenities ($130,000)

    Donations are tax deductible. Checks can be addressed to Healthy Petaluma District, with “Speedway BMX” in the memo.

  • We know you are as excited as we are! Please join our mailing list, sign up to volunteer, and/or donate if you can.

    We are also looking for volunteers and in-kind donations for the following:

    Dirt and construction equipment

    Rental bikes and helmets for riders who cannot afford a bike

    Printing, graphic design, website, social media, and marketing services

    Volunteers for track finishing and maintenance


    If you want to get involved, please drop us a note. We’d love your support!

  • Speedway BMX is a fiscally sponsored project of Healthy Petaluma District, a 501c3 charitable organization. This means that all donations are tax deductible. Once the track is up and running, Speedway BMX will look at becoming a standalone 501c3 organization.